Apple unveiled its new generation iPhone recently. The new models, iPhone 12 and 12 Pro Notable new features include the integration of 5G technology, a faster chip and improvements to the camera's night mode, according to the manufacturer. The iPhone 12 is also available in a new mini format, while the Pro can be ordered in the tested Max screen size as well. Both special sizes will ship November 13 and can be pre-ordered from November 6.
In the U.S, the iPhone 12 will be available starting at US$33/month for a two-year contract. For ease of comparison, the price of the standard model is displayed at US$943 without contract, trade-in or sim-lock and including California state sales tax in our chart. Still, the iPhone price in the U.S. is quite low compared to other countries. The Japanese are also among the luckiest Apple customers. Here, the new iPhone model is available for under US$950 (including tax) for the 128 GB iPhone 12 and just over US$1100 for the 64 GB iPhone 12 Pro.
Indians customers, however, are paying a much higher price for the same phone. It will cost them upwards of US$1100 for the starter model and a whopping $1,636 for the Pro model. While the price of the iPhone 11 was one of the highest in the world in the UK and Russia, the price of the 12 model turned out lower - at least in comparison. Continental Europeans - for example in Germany and France - are paying more of a premium this time around.